Despite the domninace of the so-called Ramunap Red, there’s several interesting decks out there.
Starting with this one, that didn’t even make day two, but is just too cool to not mention.
Tag Archives: decks
My Favorite Decks from Pro Tour Amonkhet
Part of me loves the fact that Monoblack Zombies won, but part of me also hates it, because now everyone know about the deck and how good it is, so I can’t play it anymore. So, let’s dig a little deeper once again.
From Kickstarter: Loot
While browsing our IG feed I came across an card pack that looked interesting – it featured a magic sword with stats and art. Since I was brewing a new Dungeon World campaign (more about that later) it sparked my interested and found out it was a part of a Kickstarter campaign. Since we have been occasionally discussing with Aki and Ville about occasionally reviewing Kickstarters I thought this would be a great place to start.
My Favorite Decks from Pro Tour Kaladesh
Interestingly enough, the actual best archetype was blue-white midrangish deck, with a lot of variation, but none of those made the top 8. However, not my favorite style of deck. Neither were many of the other visible decks. However, I did find a few I liked.
My Favorite Decks from Pro Tour Eldritch Moon
Here’s a hint: Not all of the decks in the Top 8 are the best ones. Often the players 6-0 their drafts and then scramble their way into the top 8 with a mediocre deck backed by a great player and some luck. Remember Jon Finkel’s result in Pro Tour SOI? No one else managed to do anything with that deck. Remember the Monoblack Devotion from a few years back? At the end of its run, it was having around 40% win percentage, but since so many people played it, someone always did well with it and it always seemed to be on the top. So, maybe you shouldn’t go with the “big” deck.
Eldritch Moon Brews, pt. 2 – Mardu Reanimator
In a world of sorcery speed removal, how good would [scryfall]Ever After[/scryfall] be with these two fine ladies:
Eldritch Moon Brews pt. 1 – Abzan Ramp
Just a sick, sick idea on how to abuse [scryfall]Sorin, Grim Nemesis[/scryfall] and the new Emrakul.
My Favorite Decks from Pro Tour Battle for Zendikar
First, I’m not a big fan of the “four-color cards I like” decks. I like more streamlined themes and decks, where not-so-obvious cards shine. What we mostly got here was mostly just good stuff. Sure, there’s synergies, but those come after you have cards you would still play in many decks without them.
This Week in Magic
I usually do not post about Magic the Gathering. Mainly because Aki posts about it. A Lot. And I rarely have anything interesting or worthwhile to say. This week however was a bit different. I had a small vacation (since my son was with his grandparents and my wife was working). So what could I do? Turns out – nothing much but play through various different types of MtG. So this will be my random rambling about different formats.
My Favorite Decks from Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir
Sadly, no Conley Woods concontion this time around. He didn’t do very well. I guess the list would be available somewhere, and I bet its interesting, but from what I heard, the land base was just less than 20 mountains, which would seem like some sort of monored heroic deck.
But plenty of great stuff around.