Someone Figured Out How Brawl Decks Are Weighted

This is actually pretty cool. About 15 hours ago someone got a notification that their Brawl deck was invalid. So, they checked the logs and found that it was actually listed as being weighted well below 0 and the system would check that the deck needed to be at least 0. Then jsut 8 hours later, there’s now a complete list of all the weights. Links to the Reddit threads here and here respectively.

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Outlaws of Thunder Junction’s Big Score Is Kind of Embarrassing

What is Big Score? A year ago, they tried the Aftermath. It was a small set of 50 cards that was sold in booster packs of 4. However, those packs were priced similarly to regular packs. Of course, the consumers are not stupid and there was an immediate backlash. So, they decided to scrap the similar product that was planned for this year and 30 of those cards were rolled into Outlaws of Thunder Junction.

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