M19 Brews, pt. 2 – Monored Midrange

We have a great new tool for these decks against the white-based control decks. It has functionality against black as well.

Why is it great? Because we can sack cards like [scryfall]Rekindling Phoenix[/scryfall] when they are about to get hit with [scryfall]Seal Away[/scryfall], [scryfall]Cast Out[/scryfall], [scryfall]Vraska’s Contempt[/scryfall] or [scryfall]Settle the Wreckage[/scryfall]. It can actually do a lot more than that. How about the synergy with [scryfall]Kari Zev, Skyship Raider[/scryfall]? Just give Ragavan the boot at end of combat and that’s an extra card (sort of) for one mana. In a right deck, just sacking creatures from under a removal spell is just good as well.

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Hour of Devastation Brews, pt. 3 – Monored Eldrazi

It might be subtle, but the most impactful cards in most sets are the rare lands. They are the piece of the puzzle that enable different builds. For example, right now because of the fast lands, wedges are faster than shards, which informs the way people design their decks. This time it might be different. It might be the uncommon lands. Like this one:

This cycle enables plenty of Eldrazi decks.

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Shadows over Innistrad, pt. 4 – The Mandatory Monored

Even if you are not planning on playing a monored deck, there’s a strong reason to build such a deck, because you are going to be playing against one. Interestingly enough, I didn’t see any Atarka Reds at GP Paris, but when rotation happens, we are going to be in a situation, where decks are going to need tuning in order to fight the red decks, so red is strong in the beginning.

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This Week in Magic

I usually do not post about Magic the Gathering. Mainly because Aki posts about it. A Lot. And I rarely have anything interesting or worthwhile to say. This week however was a bit different. I had a small vacation (since my son was with his grandparents and my wife was working). So what could I do? Turns out – nothing much but play through various different types of MtG. So this will be my random rambling about different formats.

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