Looking at the clan abilities, there seems to be a discrepancy between what is supposed to be the central color of the clan and what are the important cards.
Tag Archives: khans of tarkir
My Favorite Tarkir Cards (Top 10)
Limited Fun: Pine Walker and Morph
It might not be the best card in the set, but one of my favorite cards in Khans of Tarkir is [scryfall]Pine Walker[/scryfall].
Fate Reforged Brews, pt. 6 – Humble Defector
[scryfall]Humble Defector[/scryfall] is a card you know can’t be that good, but you just wish you could find a way to use it profitably.
… and maybe there is.
Fate Reforged Brews, pt. 5 – Monored
Admittedly, [scryfall]Temur Battle Rage[/scryfall] sort of speaks to me, but I don’t think its that good. Especially not for pushing damage through. For that, [scryfall]Titan’s Strength[/scryfall] is going to be better most of the time. Its cheaper and does three fairly reliably. It also works well with [scryfall]Prophetic Flamespeaker[/scryfall]. So, Battle Rage might work as some sort of poor fifth [scryfall]Titan’s Strength[/scryfall], but not much more than that.
I did, however, find some other cards I might be interested in using.
Fate Reforged Brews, pt. 4 – Warden of the First Tree
A 1/1 for 1. Not that good generally, but there are obvious historical comparisons.
Fate Reforged Brews, pt. 3.5 – Another Approach to Temur Sabertooth
Fate Reforged Brews, pt. 3 – Temur Sabertooth
There are 114 creatures in Standard with abilities that trigger when they enter the battlefield. I’m guessing there’s going to be a way to abuse this:
Fate Reforged Brews, pt. 2 – Tokens
Time to start brewing again.
Self-Appointed Flavor Judge: The Clan Abilities
For some reason, none of the cards with clan abilities are multicolored.