Testauksessa: Arboretum

Nätti korttipeli, jossa on 80 korttia: 10 puulajia, jokaisesta kahdeksan korttia numeroituna ykkösestä kasiin. Jokaisella vuorolla nostetaan kaksi korttia joko yhteisen nostopakan päältä, tai sitten jonkun pelaajan poistopakasta, jossa kortit ovat kuvapuoli ylöspäin. Yksi kortti isketään pöytään, toinen omaan poistopinoon. Kädessä on lopuksi kahdeksan korttia.

Pöydällä olevista korteista pyritään muodostamaan pelaajakohtainen verkosto, jossa ortogonaalisesti voi jäljittää puiden polkuja kasvavassa numerojärjestyksessä. Samanlajisen puun pienin ja suurin kortti määrittävät sen lajin polun. Jokaisesta polulla olevasta kortista saa pisteen – tuplapisteet, jos polulla kaikki ovat samaa lajia. +1 piste, mikäli polku alkaa ykkösestä, +2 mikäli se loppuu kahdeksikkoon.

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Testauksessa: Kemet

Sotaisaa menoa muinaisegyptissä!

Pelaajien korteilla on jumalat eli pitäisikö siitä päätellä, että eri kultistit palvovat omia jumaliaan ja yrittävät saada toisiaan päiviltä. Vallataan temppeleitä, manataan pöytään hienosti figutettuja hirviöitä (jättikärme, skarabee, sfinksi, jne.).

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Trying Out: Keyforge

Keyforge is a card game that came out at the end of 2018. It is designed by Richard Garfield and published by Fantasy Flight Games. The core idea of the game is to gather enough resources (aember) to get three points (keys) to win the game. The gimmick of the game is that it only comes in pre-built decks that are all unique and cannot be altered. I tried out Keyforge a couple of weeks ago and in summary I kind of liked it but it clearly is not for me.

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Trying Out: Arkham Horror the Card Game

As promised in the this year’s Gift Guide here are my thoughts about the Fantasy Flight Games Arkham Horror the Card Game.

Spoiler alert: I think it is one of the best games I have played.

Just to fill up this space next to the ArkhamLCG box cover before the “more”-line I’m adding the fact that this product is not a new game and it is not similar to the older Call of Cthulhu LCG by FFG. I condemned this game to be just a newer edition of that and I was so wrong in this.

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Trying Out: Commander 2017

Last night we gathered together to try out the new Magic the Gathering pre-constructed Commander decks. Four players, four decks and about four hours of fun! In this post I will be summarising our experiences on the playability of the pre-constructed decks and share our initial feeling about how it all went.

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Trying Out: Mansions of Madness

Mansions of Madness is one of the games I have avoided intentionally. I had a presumption about it being a dull game of overly complicated gaming system and too much fighting the Mythos. Luckily yesterday proved I was wrong. After visiting a few local caves with Santtu and Sami we headed to my place and I got to try out the second edition of Mansions of Madness by Fantasy Flight Games.

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Trying Out: Uncharted Worlds

spiliaprime1Short version: Uncharted Worlds is an Apocalypse World hack by Sean Gomes. It is a game for a space opera in the style of Firefly (amongst other things). It’s a complete game not requiring the understanding or ownership of the Apocalypse World by Vincent Baker. And it is a good hack with a lot going on.

Long version: After a number of times failing to get the group together we finally managed to sit down for a game of Uncharted Worlds. Sami (our GM) has been talking about this and has prepared for it by running the Out of the Abyss-campaign. He has even vowed to write about running it at one point. With 20+ sessions I would imagine he has quite a bit to say about it. Once he actually does it…
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