It’s weird that Valki can only change forms once, but here we are anyhow. This is actually an interesting card. This color pairing is hardly the best for ramping, but being able to play Tibalt even once is very strong. If Tibalt dies, that’s not really a problem.
Tag Archives: rakdos
Sketching Decks for the Ravnica Constructed
There’s a new event that started today on Magic Arena. The rules: You need to build a deck with cards from the three latest Ravnica sets with [scryfall]Gates Ablaze[/scryfall] banned.
EDH Deck Time: Xantcha
Brawl Deck Time: Angrath Pirates
As you have probably heard, since you’re here, WotC announced a new format today. It’s known as Brawl. If you didn’t hear about, you can find it here. Basically 60 card Commander with Standard legal cards, 30 starting life and some rules they apparently haven’t really thought through on when the commander goes to the Command Zone.
Last Hurrah for the HOU Standard
This still current (for less than two weeks) Standard has been fun. Granted, I haven’t been able to do the usual attacking the meta from a different angle -thing that usually works for me the best, but the range of playable decks has been awesome and even though I don’t really like playing against decks like those revolving around [scryfall]Approach of the Second Sun[/scryfall], those feel like an important piece of the puzzle as they do keep certain decks from becoming prevalent.
Since this past Friday was the last opportunity for me to play a tournament, I made certain I would be able to participate in the FNM.
Hour of Devastation Brews, pt. 5 – Rakdos Burn
Is this Burn? I don’t know. In any case, [scryfall]Torment of Hailfire[/scryfall] seems like it’s not very good. However, in a right shell it might work quite well.
EDH Deck Time: The Scorpion God
I’m still basically holding out for a great blue-black commander, but meanwhile, let’s look at what we can do with this guy.
Hour of Devastation Brews, pt. 1 – Wildfire Eternal
Zombie Jackal Cleric? Okay…
Tiny Leaders Deck Time – Neheb
Still haven’t played a game of this format, but who cares? Well, you as my readers might, but hopefully I can bring some insight to this.
Amonkhet Brews, pt. 12 – Faith of the Devoted
A less talked about card, [scryfall]Faith of the Devoted[/scryfall] could be the key card in a deck much like the more popular brewing target [scryfall]Drake Haven[/scryfall], but with colors I enjoy more in Standard. Not that the pair is generally very well supported, but doesn’t mean I can’t try.