The best thing about Captain Marvel is that it’s a superhero movie that actually feels heroic. The emotions are sincere, it proudly stands behind its heroine, it doesn’t water down the important moments with irony.
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Testauksessa: Arboretum
Nätti korttipeli, jossa on 80 korttia: 10 puulajia, jokaisesta kahdeksan korttia numeroituna ykkösestä kasiin. Jokaisella vuorolla nostetaan kaksi korttia joko yhteisen nostopakan päältä, tai sitten jonkun pelaajan poistopakasta, jossa kortit ovat kuvapuoli ylöspäin. Yksi kortti isketään pöytään, toinen omaan poistopinoon. Kädessä on lopuksi kahdeksan korttia.
Pöydällä olevista korteista pyritään muodostamaan pelaajakohtainen verkosto, jossa ortogonaalisesti voi jäljittää puiden polkuja kasvavassa numerojärjestyksessä. Samanlajisen puun pienin ja suurin kortti määrittävät sen lajin polun. Jokaisesta polulla olevasta kortista saa pisteen – tuplapisteet, jos polulla kaikki ovat samaa lajia. +1 piste, mikäli polku alkaa ykkösestä, +2 mikäli se loppuu kahdeksikkoon.
Continue readingTestauksessa: Kemet
Sotaisaa menoa muinaisegyptissä!
Pelaajien korteilla on jumalat eli pitäisikö siitä päätellä, että eri kultistit palvovat omia jumaliaan ja yrittävät saada toisiaan päiviltä. Vallataan temppeleitä, manataan pöytään hienosti figutettuja hirviöitä (jättikärme, skarabee, sfinksi, jne.).
Continue readingTrying Out: Keyforge
Keyforge is a card game that came out at the end of 2018. It is designed by Richard Garfield and published by Fantasy Flight Games. The core idea of the game is to gather enough resources (aember) to get three points (keys) to win the game. The gimmick of the game is that it only comes in pre-built decks that are all unique and cannot be altered. I tried out Keyforge a couple of weeks ago and in summary I kind of liked it but it clearly is not for me.
Continue readingTrying Out: Arkham Horror the Card Game
As promised in the this year’s Gift Guide here are my thoughts about the Fantasy Flight Games Arkham Horror the Card Game.
Spoiler alert: I think it is one of the best games I have played.
Just to fill up this space next to the ArkhamLCG box cover before the “more”-line I’m adding the fact that this product is not a new game and it is not similar to the older Call of Cthulhu LCG by FFG. I condemned this game to be just a newer edition of that and I was so wrong in this.
A Newcomer’s Review: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition
As Lauri said in his review, I have never played or read any edition of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay or WFRP. My own experiences in RPGs are mostly horror and then American indie games during the last 10 years. My tastes have been drifting as of late, though, which is why I was eager to set my eyes upon a relaunch of a British classic.
Disclaimer: Cubicle 7 was kind enough to send us a pdf for review.
Review: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th edition was published by Cubicle 7 quite recently. They were kind enough to send us a pdf to review and we will be reviewing this game in two parts. This first part is written by Lauri who has been there since (almost) the beginning. And the second part is the newcomers view written by Ville who has not played any edition of WFRP (published later).
Grognard’s Grumbles
Disclaimer: We haven’t actually played this fourth edition yet so all of my opinions are based on my earlier knowledge and reading the book so they must be taken with a hint of salt.
As said in the intro I have played WFRP a very long time. I started in the 90’s with the Enemy Within campaign (as player) and have GM’ed every edition since. My most active era of Warhammer was in 2002-2010 when I ran several campaign, wrote for Liber Fanatica and created the Daily Empire as a base for all fan material. So my approach for this game couldn’t be farther from Ville’s view which should create an interesting contrast to our views.
Lukukokemus: Käärmetanssija
(This is a review of a Finnish fantasy novel Käärmetanssija. Review summary in English at the end of the post.)
Petri Hiltusen Jaconia-maailmaan sijoittuvia kirjoja on viime aikoina julkaistu useampia. Vanhemmille roolipelaajille praedorien maailma tuli tutuksi ensin Conan-sarjakuvan ja myöhemmin roolipelilehti Maguksen sivuilta. Itse säästelin pitkään Maguksia juuri praedortarinan vuoksi, sillä Kuninkaan lapset edusti mielestäni Jaconiaa puhtaimmillaan. Kiehtovan erilaisena fantasiamaailmana, jonka sisäiset lainalaisuudet saivat sen vaikuttamaan elävältä.
Yhteiset tarinamaailmat eivät fantasiakirjallisuudessakaan ole uusi ilmiö. Mm. 90-luvulla julkaistu Varkaiden maailma kokosi yhteen kirjailijoita, joiden tarinat muodostivat yhdessä kokonaisuuden, jonka ristiriitaisuus vain korosti novellien maailman kiinnostavuutta.
Vaskikirjojen julkaisemat Praedor-novellit ja -romaanit esittävät Jaconian useista eri näkökulmista. Useimmat niistä ovat kuitenkin pyrkineet vain kertomaan oman tarinansa, jättäen itse Jaconian sivurooliin. Ville Vuorelan syksyllä 2016 julkaistu Käärmetanssija tekee kuitenkin kuin läpileikkauksen koko maailmaan, houkutellen lukijan syvemmälle niin valtakunnan kaupunkeihin kuin Borvarian pimeyteenkin. Ja onnistuu samalla kuitenkin olemaan loistava tarina.
Review: Würm RPG
Having just finished Far Cry: Primal I am totally in the mood for a Palaeolithic and tribal roleplaying. Searching for a game suitable for this kind of a story proved more difficult though than I had anticipated. After coming into conclusion that either was no such game or none of them were very good I stumbled on the Würm (funded via Kickstarter and co-published by Nocturnal).
Summary: Having (only) read the rulebook I have to say that it has some excellent ideas as well as interesting ideas and at least is an excellent tool box for any game set in this kind of environment.
From Kickstarter: Loot
While browsing our IG feed I came across an card pack that looked interesting – it featured a magic sword with stats and art. Since I was brewing a new Dungeon World campaign (more about that later) it sparked my interested and found out it was a part of a Kickstarter campaign. Since we have been occasionally discussing with Aki and Ville about occasionally reviewing Kickstarters I thought this would be a great place to start.