Ripping this off from PV, although I’m not asking any of you for ideas. I’m just listing random stuff that comes to mind while writing this.
Tag Archives: theros
A Lesson in Drafting (A Chaos Draft)
Yesterday, I went to draft Dragons-Dragons-Fate. However, the judge asked us whether we’d be interested in a Chaos Draft instead. I wasn’t that into the idea, but I went along… and here’s what happened.
Getting Ready for Rotation (2014), part 2
The spoilers have started in force, so we can go ahead and plan and perhaps brew some more.
Getting Ready for Rotation (2014), part 1
No real need to do this quite this early, but since I’ve been thinking about this already, why not jot down some of the thoughts I’ve had.
M15 and Monoblack Aggro
I’m going to be playing next weekend in the GP Utrecht. I don’t have any clue on what I’m going to be playing, and I’m leaving for Netherlands on Sunday, so I don’t have a lot of time to decide what to play. However, M15 did bring me something I think would make my monoblack deck stronger. It might be surprising, but its [scryfall]Crippling Blight[/scryfall].
Card Spotlight: Playing Prognostic Sphinx
As a 3/5 flyer with two very good abilities and very good power and toughness (just enough power to fly below Elspeth, Sun's Champion‘s radar and just enough toughness to block Stormbreath Dragon
without dying), Prognostic Sphinx
has ruled the block constructed season and will probably be a player in Standard in the future as well.
What I wanted to talk about is the difference between scrying for 1 and scrying for 3.
Card Spotlight: The Beauty of Dakra Mystic
I played in two Theros Block Constructed Grand Prix Trials today. One of the major things I learned is that [scryfall]Dakra Mystic[/scryfall] is not only fun, its very, very strong. At least in this environment.
My Favorite Theros Cards (Top 10)
Grand Prix Manchester is in two weeks and I’m watching the Pro Tour Journey Into Nyx stream as I’m writing this. These are both Theros Block Constructed events and I’m going to the former. The latter is basically preparation. The decks seem to be all over the place. More three-colored decks than I was expecting, and thus far I haven’t seen any of the Junk Reanimator kind I was expecting.
All this got me thinking: What do I want to play. Not necessarily what’s the best deck, but what do I want to play. After all, the trip is part of my vacation and I intend to have fun. I do need to gather about 150 Planeswalker Points on that trip, but that isn’t very hard.
Therefore, based on my experiences thusfar, from limited, standard, EDH and very limited amount of block constructed, my ten favorite cards from the block.
Me and the King (Macar)
I have a tendency to draft for fun. Often that means I simply fail, but this time I was actually passed a [scryfall]King Macar, the Gold-Cursed[/scryfall]. As this was the third pick and blue was desperately underdrafted, I was able to draft a pretty sick deck.
Building Team Sealed Decks
I have never had a chance to do this, but I find it intriguing, and since I had plenty of boosters to open, I decided I would open a dozen and make a few decks.
Obviously, this exercise would have been better with a couple of other people to help, but this was a bit unplanned. This is actually more about me logging my thoughts on the process than actual guide, as I don’t have any specific insight into the subject.