EDH Deck Time: Adriana

First, I really dislike white and while I like red in many ways, I have decided a long time ago not to play it in EDH, so this is more like a thought experiment than anything else. I will never actually build this deck.

So, with that in mind, lets design a deck with [scryfall]Adriana, Captain of the Guard[/scryfall] helming it.

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EDH Deck Time: Leovold

Leopold, Emissary of Trest

Leopold, Emissary of Trest

This really isn’t my cup of tea but since Aki is too busy I decided to try writing a Magic article. I’m nowhere near as experienced in this as Aki is but don’t worry. I’ll ask his opinion on this. On the top of this I must admit that I’m more inclined to build decks with a theme rather than ultimate power level. But that’s ok since [scryfall]Leovold, Emissary of Trest[/scryfall] just screams “elfball!” to me.

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EDH Deck Time: Meloku

[scryfall]Meloku, the Clouded Mirror[/scryfall] is one of my favorite commanders.

I do have a certain affection for quite a few blue commanders, but with Meloku, the pull between wanting to play lands and having to bounce them, is quite interesting. This being said, I don’t want to play her too much, since she has a tendency to be a bit too consistent for my tastes. Despite this, I went to EDHREC (a great site, btw) to see if other people were doing something interesting with her. Apparently not really. However, I always found her very powerful in one specific regard, which didn’t seem to get any press on the page…

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EDH Deck Time: Arcanis the Omnipotent

Since its the most interesting Legend in Eternal Masters (for me, at least, I bet [scryfall]Maelstrom Wanderer[/scryfall] is generally more liked… or hated), I think I should write about this:

Okay, its sort of a boring commander. Just a wizard (without a race, by the way) who draws cards. Well, quite a few cards.

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Damnation, or Is There a Price Bubble in MtG Single Cards?

Living in Europe, I have the pleasure of being able to use MagicCardMarket or MCM. Its a nice way to get the single cards you need from a centralized service (and not having to take part in the travesty that is Puca Trade). One of the fun things about the service (pretty much like any good service on in the Internet), you can go through your whole history of purchases.

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How to Build a Deck

A month of so back I lamented on how people don’t really design decks anymore, so I guess I have to do it myself.

Of course, I’m not a real expert on the subject, but I do have some experience on. Furthermore, I am quite experienced in the field of software development and teaching. These two disciplines are actually quite similar and use a lot of the same principles.

I’ll be using an example of current standard, which might not be very timeless, but it is a way to showcase the process (or at least a process, because there are obviously many ways to do stthis).

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Getting Back to My Thesis – Adversarial Reasoning

There’s going to be a major change in my life at the start of the new year. I don’t know exactly what I’m going to do, but it seems probable that I’ll go back to school and finish my doctoral thesis. My graduate thesis was about a learning system that made recommendations on studies to students, so artificial intelligence is sort of my thing. I’m going to continue in that vain. However, its in the nature of advanced studies that I’ll have to go deeper this time. So, what do I know well enough to do a thesis on? Games.

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