Eldritch Moon Brews, pt. 10 – Brewing with the Pariah

Well, apparently, [scryfall]Voldaren Pariah[/scryfall] is a bomb, at least based on my experience in Limited. Sure, Limited and Standard are really different worlds, but when something functions really well in Limited, you should at least test it in Standard. Remember this guy?

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Season of the Witch, End

Playtesting sheets

Playtesting sheets

Last week we played the long anticipated tenth session of our last “season” of Eldritch Sigils called The Season of the Witch. Rather than being (all) about the last session I try once again debate about ending a campaign.

At the start of this campaign we established that the characters were chosen by George Washington to uncover a diabolic cult of witches that had been plaguing the New World since its founding. As with most campaigns it all went to hell but this time with an intended bang.

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Season of the Witch, Part 4

session4bThough it seems we have more than enough of timing issues with this campaign we are managed to have an awesome fourth session yesterday. And even though we have been using Eldritch Sigils for a few years for the campaign it seems we can still find minor details that need correcting.

It seems like ages ago when I was GMing ANKH to my friends after school and just had to tweak the rules of the game to suit my taste. It might have been twenty years ago but I’m still doing it. And for the life of me I cannot see the reason why?

Why cannot I be satisfied with the rules as written?

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Battle for Zendikar Brews, pt. 3 – Smothering Abomination

Admittedly I’m not getting the same kind of inspiration from this set as I get from other sets, but I do have some ideas. Here’s one. [scryfall]Smother Abomination[/scryfall] is a bomb.


[scryfall]Forerunner of Slaughter[/scryfall] is probably pretty good too.

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