New Games by Guild Redemund

kiltamerkki_peleihinI’m cheating with the topic but at least you are reading still, right? These games are not “new” per se but hacks and adventures. There is our newest collaborative Fiasco playset, an agnostic fantasy adventure (though it does have Dungeon World threat sheet) and a game that is built on Matthijs Holter‘s Archipelago.

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Creating an Archipelago Game

About a month ago I managed to get into Jason Morningstar‘s Archipelago game “Love in the Time of Khavarner“. I really liked the setting and the style the game worked and began immediately to think how I could hack it. Jason himself said that it is not as simple as it seems. And after working on a game I have to admit he was right.

Without going into details about what is needed for an Archipelago game I must admit that I used the two existing games Love in the Time of Seið and Love in the Time of Khavarner as the starting point. I did not have high ambitions about a truly original masterpiece but an idea about a game I really wanted to take part in. Continue reading


fata_capuam_500pxAfter a computer failure and six months when I just didn’t remember it Redemund’s Guild’s (first) Fiasco playset is ready to be released. This playset was written to capture the feeling of lecherous parties of ancient Rome as depicted in tv-series such as Rome and Spartacus.

We were lucky enough to get a great feedback on this and as it happens the group actually wrote about their gaming session. You can check it HERE.

So here you go. Fata Capuam: DOWNLOAD (pdf)