New Fiasco Playset – Heart of Dreams

Heart of Dreams is the fourth Fiasco playset created on our Guild’s forum. It started out as a small idea for a oneshot but quickly evolved to a playset for Fiasco. This time only Aki and I participated in this but I still think it tops our previous playsets.

You can download the playset HERE or from the Resources page where you can also find the previous playsets.

Heart of DreamsWith a rising, award-winning director with a vision, an excellent script and plenty of funding, from both various public institutions and wealthy investors, the movie was going to be the biggest, most talked about since Star Wars.

Things didn’t go quite as planned. 

The director insisted on a remote location for the shoot based on some half-spoken dream. He always seems to get mad when anyone brings it up. The conditions are horrible. Weather is a problem on most days and the shoot is over a year behind. Tensions are high, because there seems to be no end to this. The director and the star have been on each others throats for months, but most of the crew just wants to get by day to day.

As always we hope that you have good time playing something we have created!

If you find yourself wondering about something or just want to give us feedback, please feel free to drop as a comment or contact us on Twitter.

New Games by Guild Redemund

kiltamerkki_peleihinI’m cheating with the topic but at least you are reading still, right? These games are not “new” per se but hacks and adventures. There is our newest collaborative Fiasco playset, an agnostic fantasy adventure (though it does have Dungeon World threat sheet) and a game that is built on Matthijs Holter‘s Archipelago.

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fata_capuam_500pxAfter a computer failure and six months when I just didn’t remember it Redemund’s Guild’s (first) Fiasco playset is ready to be released. This playset was written to capture the feeling of lecherous parties of ancient Rome as depicted in tv-series such as Rome and Spartacus.

We were lucky enough to get a great feedback on this and as it happens the group actually wrote about their gaming session. You can check it HERE.

So here you go. Fata Capuam: DOWNLOAD (pdf)