Is this Burn? I don’t know. In any case, [scryfall]Torment of Hailfire[/scryfall] seems like it’s not very good. However, in a right shell it might work quite well.
Tag Archives: burn
Amonkhet Brews, pt. 15 – Can We Still Use Saheeli?
Last weekend I played a PPTQ. I didn’t do well, but whatever. I think my deck choice was pretty good. I just wasn’t playing optimally myself. However, what I wanted to talk about was [scryfall]Saheeli Rai[/scryfall].
Bedlam Reveler in Modern
Remember [scryfall]Treasure Cruise[/scryfall]? This isn’t quite that. You have to actually pay two for the effect..
This Week in Magic
I usually do not post about Magic the Gathering. Mainly because Aki posts about it. A Lot. And I rarely have anything interesting or worthwhile to say. This week however was a bit different. I had a small vacation (since my son was with his grandparents and my wife was working). So what could I do? Turns out – nothing much but play through various different types of MtG. So this will be my random rambling about different formats.
Magic Origins Brews, pt. 7 – Ruw Burn
Not sure how you feel about this card, but after the obvious ones (“do they really need to redo the power 9”), my throughts were “this is going to be the source of so many judge calls” and “wow, burn”.
Khans of Tarkir Brews, pt. 6 – A Look at the Future of Some Existing Decks
Plenty of players would like to continue to play their favorite decks from the past. Although many of the big ones will be effectively dead or completely reworked (see previous installments, especially part 5), its worthwhile to take a look at some of them and see what can be done.