Ravnica Allegiance Brews, pt. 1 – Orzhov Knights

“What?”, you might be asking right now. Obviously, right now, I don’t really know what will be good when the set comes out, but what I can do is speculate. I mean, we do know the rest of the shocks are coming up, so that’s a start. It’ll give us the crucial [scryfall]Godless Shrine[/scryfall]. Actually, the shocks are going to enable a lot of decks. There are already GR-decks without [scryfall]Stomping Grounds[/scryfall].

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Last Hurrah for the HOU Standard

This still current (for less than two weeks) Standard has been fun. Granted, I haven’t been able to do the usual attacking the meta from a different angle -thing that usually works for me the best, but the range of playable decks has been awesome and even though I don’t really like playing against decks like those revolving around [scryfall]Approach of the Second Sun[/scryfall], those feel like an important piece of the puzzle as they do keep certain decks from becoming prevalent.

Since this past Friday was the last opportunity for me to play a tournament, I made certain I would be able to participate in the FNM.

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