EDH Deck Time: Olivia Voldaren

Although I’ve chosen not to play red (and white) in EDH, of the limited number of legendary creatures in Modern Masters 2017, Olivia is clearly the one for me.

(Of course, I’d choose the demon, if I could. Although, unlike Olivia, who’s just faring better after the fall of Sorin, Griselbrand is dead, in case someone wants to go that far into Vorthos territory.)

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EDH Deck Time: Zegana v. 2

This was one of my earliest decks, and hasn’t really been updated in a couple of years, so I guess its about time (especially as the earlier version included two cards that are currently banned). This is a continuation of yesterday’s article, where I took a look at Zegana as a commander in a blue-green deck with an ETB-theme. This time we are going to be more controlling, with one goal: making huge creatures and then protecting them.

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EDH Deck Time: Baral, Chief of Compliance

A word of caution here: This guy is going to be hated. He’s not actually that powerful in EDH, because countering isn’t that fruitful, but both of his abilities are still good.

Just understand that even though this might not work out very well, blue is often a feel-bad color for others and others will see you as the big target in the game just because they dislike being countered, even though many other spells are much more effective answers in this particular format.

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EDH Deck Time: Silas + Kydele

Partner is an interesting new mechanic from Commander 2016. They have had one special commander-related … thing each year, but this is by far the most interesting. I don’t know how many we’ll have, but I imagine 10, one for each color pair, which are the main commanders for the this series.

I’m going to be working with [scryfall]Silas Renn, Seeker Adept[/scryfall] and [scryfall]Kydele, Chosen of Kruphix[/scryfall] here, because they are the ones spoiled in “my colors” thusfar.


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EDH Deck Time: Rashmi

If your here looking for a cool, competitive Rashmi-deck, I’d suggest you go elsewhere. This time I’m trying to go for the fun factor. Well, there’s always an element of fun (for someone) in my decks, but what’s different here is that I’m going deeper with it, the idea being that I’ll let fate decide as much as possible.

Well, that, ramp and trying to stay alive.

Our hero today is…


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