EDH Deck Time – Liliana’s Contract

In general, I like to avoid tutors, because they have a tendency to make the games too similar. I do usually play one or two in a black deck, but never the actual [scryfall]Demonic Tutor[/scryfall]. However, this is different.

This is all about achievements and there’s actually three levels to this one. Level 1: Four demons with different names. Level 2: Four of the actual Liliana-demons. Level 3: Cast [scryfall]Doomsday[/scryfall] to play the demons in the right order. I don’t know what that is, but that’s why it’s an achievement.

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M19 Brews, pt. 2 – Monored Midrange

We have a great new tool for these decks against the white-based control decks. It has functionality against black as well.

Why is it great? Because we can sack cards like [scryfall]Rekindling Phoenix[/scryfall] when they are about to get hit with [scryfall]Seal Away[/scryfall], [scryfall]Cast Out[/scryfall], [scryfall]Vraska’s Contempt[/scryfall] or [scryfall]Settle the Wreckage[/scryfall]. It can actually do a lot more than that. How about the synergy with [scryfall]Kari Zev, Skyship Raider[/scryfall]? Just give Ragavan the boot at end of combat and that’s an extra card (sort of) for one mana. In a right deck, just sacking creatures from under a removal spell is just good as well.

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EDH Deck Time: Demonlord Belzenlok

Well, sooner or later I had to do it.

It is, after all, an Elder Demon. Or The Elder Demon, since there aren’t any others as of this writing. In fact, all the other Elders are either Dragons or Dinosaurs. I guess you can’t reach elderhood unless your creature type starts with a ‘d’. So, while we’re waiting for that Legendary Elder Deserter to happen, we’ll talk about this.

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EDH Deck Time: Grothama

Grothama is a weird case. I know players who have been looking forward to a Wurm commander for ages, but I don’t think this is going to be it, although with the general quality of Wurms (looking at you, [scryfall]Craw Wurm[/scryfall], although I can’t be mad at that card…), you don’t really mind throwing them at this thing.

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