Me and the Weapons Manufacturers of Borderlands (specifically 3)

The number of different kinds of guns in Borderlands has been a big part of their marketing from the beginning. Of course, the number of guns that feel distinct from each other is much less than the number they adverstise, but there is a surprising variety of them anyhow. They really put work into these concepts.

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My Take on the Philosophy of Borderlands

Recently, I stumbled upon a series of books called Pop Classics. The #8 on that series is called Ain’t No Place for a Hero: Borderlands. Since I enjoy the series very much and I do believe it has much to offer in terms of a message (whether intentional or not), I decided to order it. As of this writing, it has not arrived yet, but hopefully it will before I leave for holiday next week (not to worry: I will be moving from an area with no new covid-19 cases in quite some time to another area in a similar position). I plan to read the book and review it, but before I do that, I thought I would write down a few words on the subject, so that I can contrast my opinions with those of the author (Kaitlin Tremblay).


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EDH Deck Time: Big Game Hunt

For some reason [scryfall]Chevill, Bane of Monsters[/scryfall] reminded me of Sir Hammerlock from Borderlands franchise, so why not build a deck around that? This is a continuation on this.

I don’t think Hammerlock would actually be black, but don’t tell anyone. He is a hunter, but he has (at least in the beginning) naturalist motivations, as he is interested in conservation more than killing. It just so happens that these attempts don’t quite go as planned and these rare creatures just happen end up as trophies on his wall. Later on, the character is depicted more as a hunter, who is interested in learning about these exotic creatures. His method just happens to be to pay someone to kill them.

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EDH Deck Time: Borderlands (yes, the video game)

I was watching EDH and Chill, where they had a video game theme. What game would I use for such a purpose? I’ll probably make a series of this at some point, because games like Binding of Isaac and Dishonored (both of which I actually like more than the game I’m about to go into) would make interesting decks as well.

But, as I’ve been playing plenty of Borderlands 3 lately, Borderlands it is. But with a very specific view of the world.

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My Love/Hate Relationship with Borderlands

I know I’m late on this, because it’s been about four years since the last actual Borderlands game, but the Borderlands 3 is coming out in September, so maybe this is very timely. Or that’s what I’ll tell myself.

I’m actually playing through Borderlands 2 for the first time right now, so this is a very immediate experience for me.

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