Getting Cards “Right”

Back in the day, we had [scryfall]Plague Rats[/scryfall]. That wasn’t a big card. Sure, everyone knew about it and probably everyone who had seen it had thought about using it, because we didn’t have the deckbuilding restrictions we have today. In 40 card deck with – say – 14 Swamps and 26 Rats (these days probably 15 or 16 lands and rest for the Rats), those could be pretty bad for you. We even had one of those decks as a gauntlet deck (a deck your deck has to be able to beat in order to be considered playable) for a while.

Over the years, they tried again. We had [scryfall]Pestilence Rats[/scryfall] which didn’t care only about others with a same name, but all rats. Then there were [scryfall]Relentless Rats[/scryfall] which was closer to the original [scryfall]Plague Rats[/scryfall], but partly by changing the rules on card limits. They are still reportedly pretty hard to get, because they are pretty popular in casual play.

Then, they finally got it right. [scryfall]Pack Rat[/scryfall] wasn’t taken very seriously year and a half ago, but over time they have become a format defining card after Kentaro Yamamoto played them in his Pro Theros monoblack devotion deck to a Top 8 finish over a year after the card first came out. Its actually such a format defining card that its beginning to lose popularity because everyone is expecting them and have weapons at the ready, including moving back to Esper.

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Painting for pleasure

Since moving to our new apartment I have had a small room (well, closet to be precise) for painting. After a few years of hiatus I started pretty eagerly with painting again and even posted a couple of ramblings about paints and what I had done. It all died pretty quickly as I am not easily pleased with my own painting. And then there was the unfortunate loss of inspiration with WFRP…

But after that I have every now and then painted something. And it has been relaxing. No pressure on painting large armies to battle with. No campaign to paint perfect minis for. Just using some random models from the vast collections I have hoarded over the years.  Continue reading

EDH Pauper Deck Time: Crypt Rats

I was thinking about making a [scryfall]Species Gorger[/scryfall] deck and I probably eventually will, but I felt I would be trying to play EDH in Pauper. Granted, that’s the idea, but I would rather use wholly different approaches. With Pauper, I have a chance to rethink stuff, so I decided to go to another direction, again trying to use the resources I have readily available, namely mana.

So, where to dump the mana? There was a shade back in alpha and there’s been a shade in the core set and most blocks ever since. (I didn’t check, but I’m pretty sure.) They’ve never been for the Spikes out there, but apparently they have their fans, as they’ve survived for so long. However, they could be very good in EDH.

So, the question is, who do we get to lead this pack?

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Playing Suicide King

Building a deck is all about context. Sure, some cards will be weak in any context, but even well thought-out decks will fail if the other decks in the metagame aren’t considered in the process. Even within a format certain decks can thrive in a certain meta and falter if moved to another environment. Just look at Frank Karsten’s article on the worst Pro Tour winning decks. Some of those are unthinkable today due to changes in card quality, but they weren’t that good in their day either. They just happened to be just the right deck for that particular tournament.

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