Trying out: Hearthstone

artwork5-fullHearthstone: The Heroes of Warcraft is a collectible “card game” played on computer or tablet. I just installed it on my iPad and tried it out. And by saying “tried it out” I started fours hours ago and are still playing. As advertised it is insanely addictive. At least for someone who has been playing Magic: the Gathering for several years.

I started just to get the feeling for it and quite possibly try it out against fellow Guild members. Weirdly it didn’t let me search for familiar opponents from the beginning but guided me through the simple enough tutorials. The tutorials while informing took quite long to finish and even after that I had to challenge all possible “heroes” to get the whole thing open. But once I did that I got the hang of the game and opened all the options for the game. Continue reading

Duel Decks: Elspeth vs. Kiora Review

Today we got together with Lauri and played some (eight, total) games with the newest Duel Decks, Elspeth vs. Kiora. Who won? We’ll get back to that.

The Decks

First up, Elspeth, with her all monowhite, somewhat soldier tribal deck full of creatures that mostly just attack, although quite a few of them are too cowardly to go through with their attack much of the time.

[deck title=Elspeth]
1 Elspeth, Sun’s Champion
2 Secluded Steppe
22 Plains
2 Icatian Javelineers
1 Mother of Runes
2 Kinsbaile Skirmisher
1 Kor Skyfisher
1 Precinct Captain
2 Veteran Armorsmith
1 Court Street Denizen
1 Standing Troops
2 Veteran Swordsmith
1 Banisher Priest
2 Gustcloak Harrier
1 Gustcloak Skirmisher
1 Gustcloak Sentinel
1 Gustcloak Savior
2 Loxodon Partisan
1 Gempalm Avenger
1 Noble Templar
1 Captain of the Watch
1 Mortal’s Ardor
2 Sunlance
1 Mighty Leap
2 Raise the Alarm
1 Soul Parry
1 Celestial Flare
1 Dauntless Onslaught
1 Dictate of Heliod
1 Decree of Justice

The rares besides Elspeth herself are [scryfall]Captain of the Watch[/scryfall], [scryfall]Decree of Justice[/scryfall], [scryfall]Dictate of Heliod[/scryfall], [scryfall]Gustcloak Savior[/scryfall] and [scryfall]Precinct Captain[/scryfall], Elspeth being the only one of any value of these. There’s also a [scryfall]Mother of Runes[/scryfall], which is uncommon, but popular in Legacy and thus is worth something. There’s new art on Elspeth, [scryfall]Mother of Runes[/scryfall], and [scryfall]Decree of Justice[/scryfall].

Kiora’s deck is about card draw, ramp and then playing a huge threat.

[deck title=Kiora]
1 Kiora, the Crashing Wave
2 Evolving Wilds
1 Temple of the False God
11 Forest
11 Island
1 Omenspeaker
2 Coiling Oracle
1 Kiora’s Follower
2 Grazing Gladehart
2 Netcaster Spider
2 Man-o’-War
2 Lorescale Coatl
1 Nessian Asp
2 Surrakar Banisher
1 Sealock Monster
1 Scourge of Fleets
1 Simic Sky Swallower
1 Inkwell Leviathan
1 Nimbus Swimmer
2 Explore
4 Accumulated Knowledge
1 Peel from Reality
2 Time to Feed
1 Explosive Vegetation
1 AEtherize
1 Whelming Wave
1 Plasm Capture
1 Urban Evolution

The rares (again, besides Kiora herself) are [scryfall]Inkwell Leviathan[/scryfall], [scryfall]Plasm Capture[/scryfall], [scryfall]Scourge of Fleets[/scryfall], [scryfall]Simic Sky Swallower[/scryfall], and [scryfall]Whelming Wave[/scryfall]. There’s new are on Kiora, [scryfall]Explore[/scryfall], and [scryfall]Temple of the False God[/scryfall].

There’s also two tokens for each deck. Soldiers for Elspeth and Krakens for Kiora. I don’t know who’s idea this was, but it feels kind of inadequate. Elspeth produces three tokens herself per turn and then there’s a number of other things doing the same, as well as [scryfall]Decree of Justice[/scryfall] producing angels. Couldn’t they add a few more soldiers in there? Two is helpful, because you can always add dice to them to show how many tapped ones and untapped ones there are, but still, why not the great token sets similar to the ones in the Commander 2014 products. There weren’t even emblems here, even though both planeswalkers produce them.

And why bother with the deck boxes? Do they have some sort of customer feedback that someone actually uses them? I thought they had finally awoken into the world of sleeves with Modern Event Deck (which had sleeves included), but apparently not so. With sleeves on, the cards simply won’t fit into the box, so its not at all useful for this purpose, although I used to use similar boxes for storing extra lands and such back in the day.


As I said before, we played eight games, and the end result was 5-3 in favor of Elspeth (and more importantly, 6-2 in favor of myself). The overall feeling was that something needed to go wrong for Elspeth for Kiora to win.

Kiora’s deck is pretty good at attacking. Plenty of fliers and a few tricks which are hard for your opponent to play around. There isn’t much removal, only [scryfall]Celestial Flare[/scryfall] and of course Elspeth, but they are quite efficient, as Elspeth can take care of all the important threats quite easily and often Kiora can’t attack with more than one creature just to play around it, so Flare will take down something big.

Elspeth herself is quite oppressive (as six mana spells often should be, but not necessarily in such a casual environment). Kiora doesn’t really have anything against it. Well, there’s actually three things that can deal with it: [scryfall]Plasm Capture[/scryfall], which is easily played around due to its high casting cost and deep color requirements, a small enough [scryfall]Nimbus Swimmer[/scryfall], but Elspeth has quite a few fliers on her side to block, and a timely [scryfall]Scourge of the Fleets[/scryfall], which is the best answer, but your window of opportunity is pretty short, as you need to be able to deal enough damage on that one turn, and you probably don’t have any of your other fatties to do it with. Of course, you can always hope the opponent plays poorly…

Kiora on the other hand isn’t very impressive in this deck. She’s good at either slowing down the opponent somewhat or doing some quick doing a little more ramping, but she’s not a big finisher in this context, unless the stars go absolutely right.

… and for Kiora’s deck, they never seem to. Its too inconsistent. We didn’t really see color screw in any of the games (although mulligans were taken in fear of it), but with the little fixing this deck has, it has to be a problem in way too many games. Also, there’s too many moving parts. To win, you need to get your fatties in quick, but you don’t have enough ramp to do it consistently, and if you do find the ramp, you only have six fatties in the deck to win the game. Then you have some defensive creatures, but they often compete with the ramp and are also not really big enough to do more than stem the bleeding a little. And even if all the pieces fall into place, there’s a good chance Elspeth’s forces are too big for your precious fatty to matter. That [scryfall]Simic Sky Swallower[/scryfall] can’t really attack if there are too many things attacking you consistently, but you can’t win either by having it stand back. Sure, [scryfall]Aetherize[/scryfall] and such will help, but you don’t have too many of them in your deck.

Elspeth’s deck is just that much better at accumulating an early advantage and then riding through to victory with it. Kiora has some outs, but the consistency of the other deck is overwhelming in larger number of games. It also has some components I really don’t like. [scryfall]Plasm Capture[/scryfall] is a powerful card, but if you leave your mana open to cast it, you are not doing anything to further your board and you’ll probably lose because of it. In some parallel dimension someone must have gotten away with it and cast a huge [scryfall]Nimbus Swimmer[/scryfall] on the next turn, but that won’t happen very often.


Buy this if you need the two planeswalkers and enough of the other cards. New commander players will surely find useful cards here. Don’t buy this to have something you can come back to over and over again. Its actually pretty fun despite balance problems, but not that fun.

Overall, it doesn’t really feel like a duel of these planeswalkers. I guess Elspeth’s deck is very Elspethy (although I’m not sure about all the Gustcloakers), but Kiora’s deck is just a bunch of stuff with a few elements that seem Kiora-ish. You won’t be seeing the planeswalkers themselves too often, which is a good thing, because Elspeth will just win the game, if you can cast it.

My not-so-favorable view on Hollow Earth Expedition character creation

I stumbled on an internet forum to a thread about Indiana Jones type roleplaying, and noticed that Hollow Earth Expedition is a very popular choice. For the life of me, I cannot understand why. OK, there are good things in it, but more on those later. The first thing I always do when I try to decide if a new RPG system is worth my while, is to begin reading on character creation. After about five minutes of reading it I notice the first warning sign. Attributes and Skills are first bought on one-to-one basis, but later they get a scaling cost. This is a classic White Wolf mistake. Perhaps it has been around before WW, but if it is, I have no idea where that idiocy sprang from.

I steel myself and venture further into the mechanics. Then I notice: six attributes that start from zero, and you add 15 points to them, but there must be at least 1 in all of them. Why not say: “every attribute starts at 1 and you add 9 points into them”, because that’s what it really means!? OK, a rookie design mistake (again)… Let’s see what it looks like when the system is played with optimization in mind.

Derived attributes have way more mentions on Dexterity, Body and Intelligence than on any other attributes. Strength and Willpower get mentioned once each. It is obvious that low character intelligence almost never gets any real hindrance in games, it is “just” roleplaying stuff, so I decide to “dump” it. I toyed with the system for a while, and the “ideal” character is: Body 5, Dexterity 5, Strength 1, Charisma 1, Intelligence 2 and Willpower 1. Of course Dexterity is related to shooting at things, like in almost every game. So now my guy has the maximum “hit points”, maximum shootyness, maximum defense, good initiative score and sometimes even notices stuff happening. Otherwise it is very lackluster, but who cares about those other types of thingies anyway?!

Obviously that is not the most ideal character, there never is, and definitely not very enjoyable to play. It is just so easily maximized to most of the things that happen in RPGs, outside of player-GM narrative (i.e. within the mechanics of the game). Note that I could, if I wanted to, start this guy with 5 points in Diplomacy and Investigation each, for example, and rock pretty well in those departments too.

To clarify, I am most definitely a role-player, not roll-player, but this kind of thoughtlessness in character creation mechanics just makes me mad, and makes me not want to play your game. At least not under your rules, that is.

I promised to write something positive about this so here goes. Setting is innovative and exciting, as is the dice-mechanic. This setting would be great with some other RPG system, and if polished, or rather reconstructed from basics up, the dice mechanic could be really cool.

The Binding of Isaac Review

Note: This is abouth the original, not the Rebirth, which I haven’t played.

This is a game that was taken down by Nintendo for having “questionable religious content”. Since Steam doesn’t have the same restrictions, it now has a new life.

The religious content? Well, remember the story where God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son? That’s known as Binding of Isaac. This game has the same starting point: Isaac’s Mom is asked by God to kill Isaac. Isaac, however, escapes through a hatch and fights back through the basement.

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Thoughts on The Regiment: Ville’s views on X-Ray Down

This is my view on John Harper and Paul Riddle’s The Regiment, run by Lauri. There’s nothing much I can add to Lauri’s description of the session, so I’ll talk a bit about my impressions of the system. Do keep in mind that even though the version number is 2.5, The Regiment is still a work in progress; beautiful and promising, but flawed. I hope these notes will a) help the designers hone the game, b) make you interested in testing in it, and c) give you a couple of hints while playing it. Continue reading

Trying out: Dread

dread2This post is almost two months late. I rely on the notes I made and the vague memories that still haunt me of the one of the most successful horror scenarios I have ever participated.

For during Saturday of this year’s Ropecon I was lucky enough to get a seat in a game I have been itching for ages to try out – Dread.

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