Battle for Zendikar Brews, pt. 11 – The Brand New Atarka Red

I played against someone at GP Prague who was playing a slightly different version of Atarka Red. It had [scryfall]Self-Inflicted Wound[/scryfall] in the sideboard to fight all the Abzan Aggros (or Hangarback Abzans in WotC coverage nomenclature). Seemed like (and he admitted it too) he was streching his manabase just a little too much by having the one Swamp in the sideboard with a set of [scryfall]Bloodstained Mire[/scryfall]s and [scryfall]Mana Confluence[/scryfall]s in the main.

However, in the world of Battle Lands (or Tango Lands or whatever), this isn’t such a bad idea. Couple of [scryfall]Smoldering Marsh[/scryfall]es that doesn’t even have to be in the sideboard can do the same since you want to play all the fetches that can get you mountains anyhow.

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