Back in the day I wrote about the most obscure movies I’d seen and a couple of years later I wrote about my favorite obscure movies. This is continuing that latter one.
Category Archives: Movies
Another Bunch of Favorite Finnish Movies
Aki vs. Evil – The Disappointment that Is Abigail
It wasn’t admittedly that much of a disappointment, but simply because the premise wasn’t very promising.
Spooooiiiileeerrrsssss!!! Nothing major actually.
Godard and the “Video Kids”
There has been way too few mentions of Jean-Luc Godard on this blog, so in order to cement myself as a pure movie snob, let’s talk about him a bit.
Parhaat Cineast-elokuvat
Okei, olin jossain vaiheessa todella innoissani Kirjastokinosta, koska se oli ilmainen. Siellä oli joitain elokuvia, jotka olivat hankalia hankkia muuta kautta, mutta yleisesti ottaen se tuntui palvelulta, jota joku ylläpiti vaan voidakseen “fill the assignment”. Siellä oli paljon roskaa. Silti, se oli ilmainen ja siksi olin vähän pettynyt, kun se lähti.
My Top 10 Favorite Grand Prix Winners at Cannes
So, I decided to write this series of lists based on various awards. You know, right as the actual awards season is over and forgotten. For some reason, I decided to start with this.
My Top 10 Favorite Uses of Diegetic Needledrops
What is diegetic music? That’s music that’s happening within the movie. Like John Cusack’s character bringing a boombox to play In Your Eyes in Say Anything…
What is a needledrop? That’s when the moviemaker tries to elicit a reaction from the audience by using an existing song within a movie.
Sometimes these are combined, like in these ten great examples.
Four Movies that Carry Extra Meaning for Being the Last Movies from Their Directors
I’ll explain all of this in the first entry.
My Top 10 Favorite Movie Endings
Endings are hard. Even many great movies miss with their ending, especially if they aim for the kind of feelgood ending that the filmmakers sometimes seem to feel let’s them off the hook with the rest of the movie, as long as the ending makes people feel like the movie was worth seeing when the rest of the movie wasn’t working. Hell, even the best movie of all time has the main character just sitting there for six minutes (it’s actually a great ending, but out of context sounds awful.)
My Favorite Movies of 2023
Here’s my immediate feeling when looking at the list of movies I’ve seen from last year: The strikes in Hollywood probably let me see many more movies from smaller studios or from around the world, which I would either have missed or maybe heard about years after. Kind of a side benefit from all that.