Disclaimer: I’m talking mainly from the point-of-view of a Fantasy Battle player as I have no experience with 40K or the LotR-games.
Since I just recently got back in the game with the miniature painting theĀ “news” about the end of White Dwarf Magazine (by Games Workshop) were quite interesting. I say it’s still “news” as no official status has been given on this. While speculation is usually on Aki’s field at this blog I decided to give it a crack this time.
The White Dwarf magazine started out as a roleplaying magazine with adventures, monsters etc. Over the years it changed until it reached its “final form” and became solely the magazine for Games Workshop’s miniature games. (For further information on the background check for example the wikipage).
Over the years I have read a lot of critical comments on the magazine. A lot of people are blaming it to be only a fancy catalog of models with no real gaming value. I think I still have some old issues with expanded rules for Mordheim stashed somewhere but I can concure that the most recent years it has been just that.