AOS Skirmish: CoralHammer, part 3

It’s time for the third part of this series. And now it is the time for high adventure! In the manner of first battle report. Or at least my thoughts about the first game of deep sea skirmish.

Since most of my usual gaming group is still on the fence about getting back to wargaming I deemed it easier to build and paint suitable teams to lure them to me. This has proved a bit difficult since building the scenery has taken a lot of my hobby time. When I suddenly had free time for a game and my brother visited me we just kind of went with what we had. Trying out the game was much more important than the actual balance or game play.

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AOS Skirmish: CoralHammer, part 1

Having played Age of Sigmar about a year now I decided it was time to write something about it here. And since my latest project is a skirmish environment I’m writing about that.

As with the basic rules of AOS the rules for Skirmish aren’t too burdensome. In fact there are only a handful of rules in addition to the basics of the game. The latest iteration of these rules were published in the January and February issues of White Dwarf 2019. The latest news about Age of Sigmar seem to indicate that there will be a more fleshed out version for skirmish style of game coming this year but currently I will be playing with the rules given in the mentioned issues of White Dwarf.

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