Ideas for Using Generative Artificial Intelligence for Your RPG

First, it’s fine not to use them. I mean, I’ve done pretty well for decades without one, so how much is it going to help if I start using them now? Not much. Images would be helpful, because I can’t really draw, but I’ve always been very disappointed with the results from image generators. Video generators are worse.

The prompts used to make this video were:

  • Two geeks playing Magic the Gathering
  • Player on the right goes to the attack step.
  • A judge comes over and stops the game.
  • The judge adds counters to a card.
  • The player on the left disputes the judge’s decision and wants the head judge.

So, below I’m going to be talking about where they can actually be helpful.

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Testing a House Rule for D&D from Almost 30 Years Ago

Here’s why: I was trying to fix a problem with a plugin on this site and there seems to be a cache I can’t figure out, which stops me from doing what I want to do. So, just to get out of that frustrated mindset I decided to do some other light coding instead. For some reason, I had also been thinking about this rule we had in our D&D games back in early 90s, so why not combine these two?

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