I have played more since they were introduced, but there are problems.
Category Archives: Magic: The Gathering
Why I Don’t Like the MtG Commander Brackets System
I have listened to some arguments about it and they have takes very different from me. You see, I actually like games and the bracket system does not serve me at all.
More Cube Ideas
Lack of Flow States in Current Magic
The great thing about games is that you can reach flow state. What is that exactly? Well, hard to say what it is exactly, but in general it is a positive feeling of being energized while being fully immersed in some activity.
Why Is the Magic: the Gathering Wolverine Not Human?
IF and I do mean IF the leak regarding the Marvel cards soon to arrive in MtG is true, I find it problematic.
Best and Cringiest of Magic’s Epithets
There would be plenty of content to mine here. You know, like trivia on which is not real and stuff like that, but I’m just going to go through the 1500+ cards, which I feel is quite enough.
How to Play Thoughtseize
Here’s the thing: You are paying a mana, a card and two life to get rid of one card in hand, for which the opponent has not paid anything (most of the time). There’s even a strong possibility that the card is dead later in the game or even harmful, if you only gain information by paying all those costs. How can this possibly be beneficial?
Someone Figured Out How Brawl Decks Are Weighted
This is actually pretty cool. About 15 hours ago someone got a notification that their Brawl deck was invalid. So, they checked the logs and found that it was actually listed as being weighted well below 0 and the system would check that the deck needed to be at least 0. Then jsut 8 hours later, there’s now a complete list of all the weights. Links to the Reddit threads here and here respectively.
When You Finally Decide to Tell the World that You No Longer Have Ideas – The Sans Mercy Secret Lair
Or “When You Go Meta in the Worst Possible Way” or “Please Tell Me I’m Funny” or “Cynthia Already Left, But We Have This Things Ready, So Let’s Just Put it Out There”.
Outlaws of Thunder Junction and Parasitic Flavor
Years ago Mark Rosewater talked about parasitic design. This was the situation where a set or block (remember those?) worked well mechanically on its own, but not really with other sets. I think the go-to example was the original Kamigawa block.