New Year’s Resolutions, Second Quarterly Report

The actual resolutions can be found here and the first quarterly report can be found here.

Magic: the Gathering: Reaching PwP level 30


Actually, I have 838 recorded points, but I have two unrecorded GPT from yesterday and a GP from today. They should total 238 points, which would mean that my total would be 1076, easily going over my goal of 900.

This week, WotC came out with new bye rules for GPs. Under the new rules, its an annual thing, whereas it was previously a seasonal thing. This works for me and my new goal is now to reach 1300 points before the end of the 2013-2014 season. I have 996 now and I’m sure I’ll be able to reach the 1300 by the end of August. (Sorry about mixing the terminology, but nothing better comes to mind right now.)

Magic: the Gathering: Vikings

Current total is 175 cards out of 229, so good headway has been made. I’m not completely happy with many of the cards or the set overall, since I seem to be missing some of the themes and intended mechanisms from the lower rarities, which I have been emphasizing on as of late.

Magic: the Gathering: EDH Software

I haven’t done anything regarding this one, except to plan to use this to keep my programming skills honed during my vacation time this year.

Role-Playing Games: Con-GMing

I signed up for GMing at RopeCon, so that’s something. I entered Primprose Path (for tremulus) and Moscow Station (for Hillfolk) as my games.

Role-Playing Games: GMing in General

I managed to run one game. I guess that’s something. That’s two games from the eight I promised. I sort of didn’t exactly get where I wanted to with the game, because the players weren’t actually on quite the same lines, and I couldn’t shepherd them into the same direction until way too late. Gladly, the people who get to play the least seemed to enjoy themselves.


I played some, but I (actually we) missed many of the supposedly regular gaming days.

Non-Gaming: Reading

I haven’t gotten anywhere with the Crime and Punishment I was supposed to be reading. On the other hand, I did read the collected fairytales of Oscar Wilde, known as Happy Prince and Other Stories, in Finnish. Actually, there’s another collection of fairytales in the same edition, which wasn’t originally part of the collection under this particular name.

I did enjoy them. Wilde is fun. He just can’t help himself. Of course, he’s witty and all that (although, at times I felt he’s winking at me to get a joke, but I didn’t because the witticisms don’t work the same way in Finnish), but there’s just this wonderful cynicism in the tales. Especially the last one, where a prince goes through highs and lows to become a good king for his people. Than in the last paragraph, he’s just killed off a couple of years after his inauguration, because the hardships of his life had taken such a toll on him, and he was replaced by a cruel king.

I continued the trend of reading fiction with a collection of short stories by Kafka. I have to note that Metamorphosis seems to be about something quite different from what its generally portrayed to be. I guess no-one reads it beyond the first few paragraphs, because it isn’t an actual horror story. Its more about middle-class thinking, since the Gregor Samsa (the person who has gone through the metamorphosis) is more worried about his job than anything else after discovering his new self.

Non-Gaming: 7000 Artists in My Last.FM Library

Been there, done that.

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