What seems to be years ago Harri Hursti introduced me to Barbarians of Lemuria. An epic game a sword and sorcery where hacking your opponents into bloody pulp was the not the means to an end but the goal itself. Then, some night when I was drinking with him and my first mate Sami Villa, we got nostalgic about Doomtrooper and Warzone. Quickly we came into conclusion that BoL would be perfect for slaying the hordes of Dark Legion with Gehenna Puker! We all agreed that Harri should run this game for us asap!
As said this was four years ago.
I thought about naming this topic as GMing Mistakes – Never running the game your players beg you to. In fact I even know that Harri has drawn the character sheet for this. And made some plans. But for reasons unknown (maybe this has been the work of Semai or even Muawihje) we STILL haven’t sat down to open bursts of bullets upon undead legionnaires!
We even calculated that if Harri would take 10 minutes from his “me-time” each day for two weeks he would have enough time to ran the game.
Seriously dude. Let’s do this!

Bring us the Chronicles Harri! By the Cardinal! We ARE ready!
Disclaimer: This is a vanity post. It is meant to wake up our GM.