The best thing about Captain Marvel is that it’s a superhero movie that actually feels heroic. The emotions are sincere, it proudly stands behind its heroine, it doesn’t water down the important moments with irony.
The best thing about Captain Marvel are the actors. Brie Larson is an expressive, charismatic actress that wears the superheroine mantle with gusto. Samuel L. Jackson has a big role as Samuel L. Jackson which is always great. Ben Mendelsohn breathes vibrancy and soul into a rubber mask (or whatever). Everyone is just great.
The best thing about Captain Marvel is the cat. Yes, the cat.
The best thing about Captain Marvel is that it’s an empowering feelgood movie. It doesn’t point fingers, it doesn’t bear grudges, it isn’t anti-anything as such. It’s pro-girls, pro-women, pro-be-yourself, pro-empowerment, pro-standing-up-and-doing-the-right-thing.
The best thing about Captain Marvel is that it isn’t just a money-grabber, a movie that opportunistically cashes in on our desire to see more significant female roles. The best thing about it is that it’s clearly made with love and conviction. You can feel how the makers believe in it, and have polished and caressed the movie not to make a calculated success, but to give it the care it deserves.
The best thing about Captain Marvel is that even if it isn’t flawless (only time will tell, but the best thing about Captain Marvel is that it’s flawless), it is easy to forgive any possible flaws it has. Because it’s just so sincere and fun that it outshines all blemishes.
The best thing about Captain Marvel is that the 90s retro feels and the soundtrack made me feel old as hell, eh, the best thing about Captain Marvel is that being old is kinda cool but awkward too, but the best thing about Captain Marvel… Ummm..
The best thing about Captain Marvel! The best thing about it is that when it comes out on a disc, you can own multiple copies of it and replace every other superhero movie in your shelf with Captain Marvel. You can replace every other Marvel movie with a copy of Captain Marvel and have a 42-hour marathon of Captain Marvel.
The best thing about Captain Marvel is that it made me cry out of joy and empowerment just the way that the original Star Wars movie does. It’s probably the first superhero movie where I actually feel like I’m totally, 100%, naively rooting for the protagonist and turn off all cynicism and criticism and just let the movie take me. The best thing about Captain Marvel is that it just explodes and seeps into you and energizes you and then you’re a superhero yourself.