My least favorite color combination (although I do dislike white-blue and green-white as well), so I might not be the best person to do this one, but I sort of have to in order to maintain this whole thing’s personal touch. What’s the right approach here? Probably going wide. Some previous parts have already included some tools for this, but here’s some more.
Iroas’s Two-Colored Cards
[scryfall]Akroan Hoplite[/scryfall] is pseudo-batallion and feeds on you having large amounts of creatures, so its in.
[scryfall]Blaze Commando[/scryfall] provides plenty of fodder, but at the same time, its pretty constricting in deck building, so I probably don’t want to use it.
[scryfall]Legion’s Initiative[/scryfall] seems interesting. Fun gameplay at least, although there aren’t going to be very many sweepers (there have to be some, though).
[scryfall]Lightning Helix[/scryfall] and [scryfall]Warleader’s Helix[/scryfall] are good removal. I think the former might be just a tad too efficient for this cube, so I’ll use the latter.
[scryfall]Truefire Paladin[/scryfall] is a fun, effective, versatile creature, that creates interesting gameplay.
[scryfall]Wojek Halberdiers[/scryfall] has Battalion, so it personifies the need to go wide.
[scryfall]Firefist Striker[/scryfall], [scryfall]Warmind Infantry[/scryfall] and [scryfall]Legion Loyalist[/scryfall] fill the red Battalion quota.
[scryfall]Hordeling Outburst[/scryfall] is a part of going wide.
[scryfall]Akroan Crusader[/scryfall] fits nicely in to the colors theme, as Iroas seems to be a major god in Akros.
[scryfall]Felhide Spiritbinder[/scryfall] feels more like a Mogis card, but fits better here due to its ability to get more attackers.
[scryfall]Harness by Force[/scryfall] can also enable Battalion and simply ends games under right circumstances.
[scryfall]Kragma Butcher[/scryfall] is an excellent attacker, especially if it can’t die due to Iroas’s protection.
[scryfall]Boros Elite[/scryfall], [scryfall]Daring Skyjek[/scryfall] and [scryfall]Frontline Medic[/scryfall] are here for the Battalion.
[scryfall]Raise the Alarm[/scryfall] is here to enable the Battalion.
[scryfall]Ajani’s Presence[/scryfall] can keep you from losing your very valuable troops.
There’s a mention of Akros in the flavor text of [scryfall]Dauntless Onslaught[/scryfall] and its a pretty good card, if you have several creatures, as this deck usually does.
I love the name of [scryfall]Eidolon of Countless Battles[/scryfall] and it fits into the deck pretty well.
I should probably do a count of all the humans in the cube before doing this, but I’ll put in [scryfall]Champion of the Parish[/scryfall]. If it doesn’t work, I’ll replace him, but it seems fine.