Horror in Dungeons

With all the OCR-stuff going on dungeons are getting better rep than in ages. Dungeon World is a certain classic and a game I would be willing to play at any time. Almost a year ago I talked about making dungeons on the fly and this subject raised its ugly head last Tuesday when the party descended into an ancient underground city in Egypt. Granted I was pretty tired then but I still think I had something good going on.

We are going to continue our descend into this forgotten tomb tomorrow and while I was searching the web for ideas and made notes about how to get it right I came into a conclusion that what I am actually doing is building a dungeon while I thought I was making a scenario for Call of Cthulhuish game.

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As our current campaign is drawing closer to the end I feel I could share some thoughts about the endgame of roleplaying campaigns.

Last year Aki wrote a lengthy post about the story arch of his character in the “last season” of this ongoing megabeast. And he got quite deep into the difficulty of ending one of these seasons as I like to call them. Continue reading

Previously in…

We are having so much fun!

We are having so much fun!

We have all been there. The game is about to start and we just wait for that one player who is always late. Everybody is busy checking their Facebook or random videos from YouTube. Some leave for a smoke and maybe one player starts to go through the assorted papers for the game. Then that last player arrives and the game should start.

But it doesn’t.

Maybe it is because of collective tiredness or maybe someone wants to argue about a tv-series. Or maybe the GM has left the dice at home and no-one thought of bringing their own.  Continue reading

This Week in Magic

I usually do not post about Magic the Gathering. Mainly because Aki posts about it. A Lot. And I rarely have anything interesting or worthwhile to say. This week however was a bit different. I had a small vacation (since my son was with his grandparents and my wife was working). So what could I do? Turns out – nothing much but play through various different types of MtG. So this will be my random rambling about different formats.

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Return to Bretonnia, or Rekindling Old Flames?

IMG_1229Last Wednesday we started a campaign that I would have never dreamed that would actually happen – we’ll return to the world of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying game. Once upon a time at 2006 we started a campaign using the second edition of the said rpg and from that gaming group grew our current community of almost 50 active members.

The GM for this new campaign will be one of the players of that original group; Santtu has been planing for this campaign for almost all of this time and I’ve been eagerly waiting for it. I think that the character I created last week might actually be third one created for this particular game. Not to hex it or anything but we are supposed to get the game going on this Friday.

Why should this all be of any interest to others? As it turns out getting together with “old love” might be as problematic in roleplaying games than in real life.

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Creating an Archipelago Game

About a month ago I managed to get into Jason Morningstar‘s Archipelago game “Love in the Time of Khavarner“. I really liked the setting and the style the game worked and began immediately to think how I could hack it. Jason himself said that it is not as simple as it seems. And after working on a game I have to admit he was right.

Without going into details about what is needed for an Archipelago game I must admit that I used the two existing games Love in the Time of Seið and Love in the Time of Khavarner as the starting point. I did not have high ambitions about a truly original masterpiece but an idea about a game I really wanted to take part in. Continue reading

Ropecon, Here We Are

We arrived to Ropecon yesterday. The Sun is shining and it’s almost warm. There are a lot of people but the overall feeling seems to be more mellow than during last year. I managed to get into the Dread game I had hoped for and today my schedule is to be worked around the fact that I get to play Fall of Magic with Jason Morningstar. It is turning out the be an excellent Ropecon, again.

A word about the photographs

I took some photos yesterday and will be taking them through all Ropecon. If you received a calling card that led you to this page I’m grateful for letting me took your picture! I will try to publish some preliminary photos during this weekend but will work on them and publish a gallery as soon as possible. If you don’t see your own photos yet, do not worry. I simply cannot find the time to work on them during the Con. The photos that are published during this weekend can be seen at our Instagram account:


First cosplay photo from Ropecon 2015! #ropecon2015 #ropecon #cosplay #commandandconquer #brotherhoodofnod #nod #brotherhood

Kuva, jonka Guild Redemund (@guildredemund) julkaisi


A word about our gaming recommendations

We glued some stickers to the gaming sheets. This is mostly done to encourage players to participate into games that have either an entertaining system that you really should try out or that are run by GMs we have played with and can thus recommend as excellent choices as Con-GMs. The games we are recommending can HERE and the most excellent of games, ran by VilleAki and Harri, can be found HERE.

So have a nice Ropecon and give us a word if you happen to see us!