RopeCon 2015 – Skenariokilpailu

Oho, suomeksi. Kai tämäkin pitää joskus tehdä. Sorry, all our international readers, but since the material is all in Finnish, going through it wouldn’t be of much use to you anyhow.

Skenaariot löytyvät täältä. Ne tulevat varmaan jossain välissä myös RopeConin omille sivuille, mutta en löytänyt niitä ainakaan vielä.

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Ropecon 2015 Miniature Gaming

Here is the gallery for miniatures and war gaming I took at Ropecon 2015. As always if you find an image of yourself you do not wish to see online, let me know and I either remove the picture or blur you out (if you are on the background).

Big thanks for all who let me take their picture!

If you like to use these in social media, feel free. I’d appreciate if you give me credit and if you care to drop a link here it would be awesome! If you want your own picture in bigger size contact me and I can send it to you (with even some retouching if I find the time).

(Yes, this information is copy/paste. I’m STILL too tired care.) Continue reading

Ropecon 2015 Photos

Here is the gallery for other-than-cosplay photos/miniatures I took at Ropecon 2015. As always if you find an image of yourself you do not wish to see online, let me know and I either remove the picture or blur you out (if you are on the background).

Big thanks for all who let me take their picture!

If you like to use these in social media, feel free. I’d appreciate if you give me credit and if you care to drop a link here it would be awesome! If you want your own picture in bigger size contact me and I can send it to you (with even some retouching if I find the time).

(Yes, this information is copy/paste. I’m still too tired to care.) Continue reading

Ropecon 2015 Cosplay

Here is the gallery for cosplay photos I took at Ropecon 2015. As always if you find an image of yourself you do not wish to see online, let me know and I either remove the picture or blur you out (if you are on the background).

Big thanks for all who let me take their picture!

If you like to use these in social media, feel free. I’d appreciate if you give me credit and if you care to drop a link here it would be awesome! If you want your own picture in bigger size contact me and I can send it to you (with even some retouching if I find the time).

(Yes, this information is copy/paste. I’m too tired to care.) Continue reading

What does it mean to say yes?

You might be aware of the phrase “say yes”. It was brought to wider roleplaying consciousness by Vincent Baker in Dogs in the Vineyard (DitV) back in 2004. I’ve heard some misinterpretations about saying yes. And note: this post is not specific or maybe even applicable to DitV.

Saying yes does not mean complying to everything the (other) players want. I’m also unsure whether it fits every game out there.

But here’s an example of saying yes in action.

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Aki’s RopeCon 2015 – The Competition Scenarios

I’m going to do my report a bit differently this year. Instead of going through each day at a time, I’m going to go through these scenarios first, then the RPG sessions I took part in and finally all the rest.

RopeCon had a scenario writing contest again this year. This year I didn’t do very well, but that’s ok. Didn’t really expect to, although apparently plenty of other people did.

Any how, its a pretty good addition to the whole experience. Since most stuff you are going to do want really fill your schedule, or there’s sometimes going to be hours of free time, these are a good way to waste some of your precious time on this planet. They only take 45 minutes…

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Home Again

After a great Ropecon we have finally returned home. I’m too exhausted to work on the photos today but will most likely publish them tomorrow. Here’s a patch of photos I quick cropped for Instagram. And don’t worry. You get the full sized photos from these as well.

Ropecon, Here We Are

We arrived to Ropecon yesterday. The Sun is shining and it’s almost warm. There are a lot of people but the overall feeling seems to be more mellow than during last year. I managed to get into the Dread game I had hoped for and today my schedule is to be worked around the fact that I get to play Fall of Magic with Jason Morningstar. It is turning out the be an excellent Ropecon, again.

A word about the photographs

I took some photos yesterday and will be taking them through all Ropecon. If you received a calling card that led you to this page I’m grateful for letting me took your picture! I will try to publish some preliminary photos during this weekend but will work on them and publish a gallery as soon as possible. If you don’t see your own photos yet, do not worry. I simply cannot find the time to work on them during the Con. The photos that are published during this weekend can be seen at our Instagram account:


First cosplay photo from Ropecon 2015! #ropecon2015 #ropecon #cosplay #commandandconquer #brotherhoodofnod #nod #brotherhood

Kuva, jonka Guild Redemund (@guildredemund) julkaisi


A word about our gaming recommendations

We glued some stickers to the gaming sheets. This is mostly done to encourage players to participate into games that have either an entertaining system that you really should try out or that are run by GMs we have played with and can thus recommend as excellent choices as Con-GMs. The games we are recommending can HERE and the most excellent of games, ran by VilleAki and Harri, can be found HERE.

So have a nice Ropecon and give us a word if you happen to see us!

Going to Ropecon?

This year’s theme for Ropecon is “journey” and as I’ll travel from Tampere to Helsinki for this event I thought I could come up with some things to pass the time during that journey. Actually this idea came while reading at Ropecon’s front page that they are encouraging con-goers to organise their own pre-cons at Thursday (since it is a national holiday).

The only restriction for this kind of activity is that the drive takes only a couple of hours (maybe some extra if we make a couple of stops) so we need to have activities that do not take too much time and/or can be put on hold while someone takes a bathroom break etc. Continue reading